Here are the collection of Shani Dev Image. You can see these HD Pic, Images, Wallpaper & Photo of Shani Dev and share on whatsapp, facebook and instagram.
Shani Dev is known as the God of justice, and a popular deity that Hindus pray to ward off evil and obstacles from life. Saturday is the day of Jai Shani Dev. Shani Dev was born to Surya Dev (or The Sun God) and Goddess Chhaya (or Goddess Shade), Shani Deva is known as the elder brother to the God of the Underworld- Lord Yama. Shani Dev considered Lord Shiva as his guru. He was also his brother-in-law as Shiva was married to Goddess Kali. He also represents Lord Shiva’s Vairagya principle. In this post we added Shani Dev Images, pics and wallpaper you can see and share on social media.
Shani Dev Image, Photo, Pic & Wallpaper